scheduling priority

英 [ˈʃedjuːlɪŋ praɪˈɒrəti] 美 [ˈskedʒuːlɪŋ praɪˈɔːrəti]

网络  调度优先级; 关于进程优先级的限制



  1. To ensure that important processes don't get starved out by CPU hogs, the selection is done based on a scheduling priority.
  2. Here, param is a pointer to a structure representing scheduling priority.
  3. Remember that you have to be the superuser to give your processes higher scheduling priority and make them less nice.
  4. Remember that processes with the lowest priority value run at highest scheduling priority, so think of increasing the priority value as being nice to other processes.
  5. Queue Scheduling Research of Real-time Priority Based on Verify
  6. Disk scheduling, priority scheduling algorithm with the shortest seek time and scanning algorithms.
  7. Linux divides the process into real-time process and non-real time process. It makes use of scheduling policy in the combination of time-sharing quantum troll and deprivable scheduling priority.
  8. The execution order of task is determined by both task priority and its scheduling policy priority.
  9. An equivalent analysis model was also presented to simplify the solving process of scheduling weight of each priority.
  10. Using the proper partition of task and scheduling mechanism based on priority improved the efficiency of CPU, insured the need of real-time capability of electronic control fuel injection system and improved the transient response of diesel engines.
  11. Uniprocessor Static Priority Scheduling with Limited Priority Levels
  12. The notation of heuristic sequential priority sequence is given according to the existed confliction in the task scheduling with single priority.
  13. The proposed scheme consists of two parts: one is scheduling between OLT and ONU, and the other is scheduling between priority queues in ONU.
  14. According to the navigation constraints, the claims for security and scheduling principles of priority weights and preferential pass in the order of arrival, a mathematic model of co-scheduling is introduced in this paper, followed by the Progressive Optimality Algorithm for solution.
  15. This paper introduces a design method of phased array instrumentation radar scheduling algorithm based on priority.
  16. ARTs-EDB uses the earliest deadline first algorithm to compute priority by the deadline of transaction, and schedules transactions based on the priorities. When the transactions having different priorities compete for inner memory or other resource, ARTs-EDB carrys on transaction preempting scheduling according to priority.
  17. Improvement of Packet Scheduling Based on Priority Queue in Multimedia Networks
  18. A novel scheduling scheme, called Two-Dimensional Priority Real-Time Scheduling ( TDPRTS), is proposed for open systems. This scheme not only sets task priority, but also sets scheduling policy priority.
  19. Multi-mission scheduling priority is divided by concrete radar measurement. The paper analyses the request of the radar data rate from the position of the strategic missile measurement.
  20. Packet Scheduler in wireless network is used to assign scheduling priority for all users, allocate wireless resource, e.g. codes, velocity and power, so as to satisfy kinds of systems 'performance demand.
  21. A scheduling algorithm based on priority table design is presented in this paper.
  22. So the heuristic methods are often applied to job shop scheduling such as priority rule method and special algorithms.
  23. When the physical CPU resources cannot meet the requirements of the tasks, this strategy will increase the real-time scheduling priority of the GPU-intensive domain to improve the performance of GPU-intensive tasks.
  24. Implementation of hierarchical quality of service also involves some algorithms, the traffic shaping algorithm discussed, congestion avoidance algorithm, and multi-queue scheduling priority data packet classification and forwarding implementation.
  25. The algorithm based on the classical heuristic algorithm in spatial scheduling. The priority rules are chosen to determine the operations in decision-making point. Different heuristic methods are used to find optimized layout.
  26. The determinant rule for receiver scheduling with limited priority levels is proposed and proved analytically.
  27. The strategy adopts three evaluation indexes to judge packet scheduling priority which including time delay, rate fairness and packet loss ratio.
  28. After that, the preliminary design of CMC software is discussed, which makes an exhaustive study on requirement analysis, software architecture design, task partitioning, task scheduling, task priority allocation, intertask communication mechanism and watch dog timer.
  29. After studying the course scheduling algorithm at home and abroad, it put forth an artificial simulation course scheduling algorithm which combined priority algorithm with backtracking algorithm.
  30. In the contemporary age, electric power is becoming more and more important, so strengthen the operation and management of the grid scheduling becomes a priority.